Photographer based in Barcelona. I focus my work on commercial, lifestyle & design photography around Barcelona.

Hi! I’m Alex Rodriguez, a Barcelona based photographer specializing in the vibrant realms of commercial and fashion photography. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for capturing the essence of each brand and model. Step into a gallery of moments, where every image reflects the dynamic energy and style.

“Welcome to a space where creativity knows no bounds. Here, each project is a canvas for innovation, pushing the limits of imagination to create truly unique experiences. I invite you to explore a world where ideas come to life in the most unexpected ways.”


Exploring the vibrant intersection of art and reality, our section on design photography showcases the boundless creativity and precision of capturing design elements through the lens. Here, every image tells a story of innovation, texture, and color, inviting viewers into a world where design meets photography.



Lifestyle photography captures the art of the everyday, focusing on authentic moments and real emotions. This section showcases a curated collection of images that celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of daily life.


Welcome to the intersection of fashion and artistry, where every snapshot is a testament to elegance and innovation. Through the lens of fashion photography, we capture the essence of style, blending contemporary trends with timeless beauty. Dive into a world where each image tells a story of creativity, passion, and the relentless pursuit of aesthetic perfection.

Welcome to the world of travel photography, where every snapshot tells the story of a unique journey. Explore the globe through the lens of adventure, capturing moments that resonate with the beauty and diversity of our planet.